National Roads Authority
The National Roads Authority (NRA) was created to administer, manage, control, develop and maintain the Island's public roads and related facilities, such as signals, stormwater facilities, roadway lighting, roadway directional signage, etc.
It performs the following: routine, periodic and emergency public road maintenance; collects information on the performance of the existing transportation system; forecasts future traffic demand; and identifies possible solutions to anticipated issues in system performance and deficiencies.
The NRA currently has various road projects underway including:
• Godfrey Nixon Way extension and beautification, in keeping with a ‘neighbourhood’ theme with a landscaped median connecting Eastern Avenue to the main George Town area.
• Airport Connector Road linking the roundabout by Cayman International School with Sparky’s Drive in Industrial Park. Phase 1 is due to be completed by the end of 2023, with Phase 2 starting early 2024.
• East-West Arterial widening along a 0.6-mile-long stretch of the highway from Poindexter Road to Hirst Road, including the Poindexter Road roundabout, is estimated to be completed by late 2023.
• East-West Arterial Road expansion extending from Woodland Drive, Savannah to Lookout Gardens, Bodden Town. Work is on hold pending an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and other factors.
You can find out more about these and other projects by visiting www.caymanroads.com.
The NRA painted 'sharrow's' on the roads to help improve cyclist safety. See the info graphic below to find out more about the rights of cyclists on the roads.
The NRA also tries to maintain road safety through educating the public on how to use the roads and roundabouts correctly. Find out more about using roundabouts correctly.