Your home is all ready for your new arrival. The nursery is ready, you’ve cleaned the house from top to bottom (nesting is so much fun!) and toured the hospital. But before you can relax, don't forget to pack your hospital bag!
Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find a list of retailers who can assist with your hospital bag shopping.
The Newborn
- Four baby onesies
- Four sleepsuits
- Six receiving blankets or muslin wraps
- Two baby hats
- Two sets of baby socks and mittens
- Warm blanket
- Going home outfit
- Two towels
- Two wash cloths
- Two dozen newborn nappies
- Baby wipes
- Formula, if you don’t plan on breastfeeding
- Infant car seat for day of discharge
The Mother
- Insurance details
- Your birth plan
- Four sets of sleepwear (front opening for breastfeeding)
- Dressing gown
- One pair of flip-flops
- Headband or hair ties
- Four to six pairs of underwear
- Three nursing bras and breast pads
- Loose and comfortable going home clothes
- Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, flannel/washer, moisturiser, shower gel, deodorant, lip balm, hair brush, shampoo, conditioner, any makeup)
- Glasses/contact lenses
- Two towels
- Two dozen maternity sanitary pads
- Pillow (recommended)
- Camera, memory card, charger
- Mobile phone and charger
- Snack bag (for mum and dad!)
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Top Tips
We asked some Cayman mums for their top tips on preparing to give birth and here's what they had to say....

Pack Early
You never know when your little one might decide it's time to meet the world! Pack your hospital bag at least four weeks before you're due so that you are not racing around at the last minute! Remember, don't pack your best towels, underwear or sleepwear as they may get ruined. Choose dark-coloured items where possible.
Pack Separate Bags
Consider packing a separate bag for you and your baby. It will be much easier to find what you are looking for, especially after labour when you may be sore and tired.
Don't Forget the Snacks
Labour is hard work, so pack some healthy snacks to keep your energy levels up. Good options include dried fruit, nuts, seeds and fresh fruit. Dark chocolate is great for a quick burst of energy.
Load up your iPad/tablet with plenty of entertainment in case you are in labour for a long time, and possibly confined to the hospital bed.
Car Seat
Car seats are notoriously difficult to fit so ensure it's installed before you go into labour and ideally when you are around 36 weeks. You may even want to practice taking the seat in and out of the base a few times so you know how to put the baby in safely when you leave the hospital.